Flower Essences are a highly effective non- toxic herbal preparation. Bach Remedies are 100% natural and a safe method of healing. Unlike chemical drugs which can be suppressive and create dependency, Flower Essences have a self-diminishing effect. As we move closer to resolution of the conflict both the need for and the effectiveness of the remedy diminishes. Once positive change occurs and difficulties resolve, the remedies are no longer needed or effective. They are part of a field of non- invasive, life enhancing therapies.
Dr. Bach (1886 - 1936) believed that the ills of the heart and Spirit must be the focus of a Healer's attention. The Bodily ills are the symptoms. He felt it is “…our fears, our cares, our anxieties and such like that open the path to the invasion of illness.”
Flower Essence Remedies
Are liquid tinctures made from the most pristine Flowers in Bloom that have been vibrationally infused into water and sunlight.
They have no fragrance and are not to be confused with the essential oils used in aromatherapy
They may be:
Bach Flower Essence remedies are prepared from an infusion of wild flowers or pristine garden blooms. Flower Essences influence the human energy field and are vibrational in nature embodying the specific energy pattern of each flower. These patterns impact us by the phenomenon of resonance; the way a specific structure and shape of the life force of the flower resonates and awakens particular qualities within the human soul, for example: as when a guitar string sound matches a note sung. Creating custom combination dosage bottles allows one to address several key issues simultaneously.
Dr. Bach's original 'Twelve Healers' or Soul Lessons were discovered with the purpose of learning the 12 great life lessons.
1. A copy of your basic Western Astrology birth Chart with your 6 Constitutional Astrological signs highlighted and their companion Flower Essence Remedy.
2. Printed sheets explaining the significance of the 6 Astrological aspects and how they influence your everyday life.
3. Printed sheets of the corresponding Flower Essence Remedy and their descriptions and benefits.
4. A custom 1 oz. combination remedy dosage bottle.
Your Day, month, Year of Birth
Place of Birth
Accurate Time of Birth
Schedule an In - person consultation - Through conversation we will determine the Essences that will be most supportive to your individual situation.
Essences may be used to address: present symptoms or chronic and core issues
We can also discuss 'Body Mapping' principles of topical application in specific areas of the body to address deeper lying expressions of the emotion, mental and physical bodies.
30 min.......... $45
45 min.......... $60
60 min.......... $75
All consultation prices include a 1 oz. Custom blended Flower Essence Remedy
The One - hour consultation will include a 3 card 'Spiritual Counseling Tarot Reading to discuss your individual goals and personal challenges and how the Flower Essences may be supportive to your process.
Select your own Remedies
Single remedies and combinations are available at the physical office location that you may select from the printed list of the 38 options - no consultation
1 oz. Dosage bottle -
1-3 Essences $12.00
4-6 Essences $15.00
"Imagine a circle of stones with twelve monoliths marking the twelve points on the perimeter where the numbers stand on a clock face. In the middle of the circle there is an open space. In this space visualize the outpouring of light from a center that is beyond this world. In a different dimension. From the bright light of the center shadows extend, lengthening behind the stones, out into the darkness. One side of each stone is illuminated by the light. It is thrown into relief by the shadow and the half - light, the unseen form which has turned, facing away into the dark. These twelve stand like the twelve Soul lessons of the 'Twelve Healers'. Each of us, said Bach. is born with the purpose of learning one of these great life lessons. The negative aspect of each remedy state is seen in the shadow, in the darkness and isolation which we encounter when we turn away from the light. Wherever we stand on the circumference of the circle we can look outward into the darkness and see fear or pain, indifference, grief, or doubt according to the Soul lesson that we are here to learn. When we turn around and face the light we meet the positive soul force of that lesson: courage, peace, tolerance, or understanding. In this model we can see the action of the Flower Remedies is to turn us around, to turn us from the isolation of a path leading into darkness to one which leads to the light" Julian Barnard - Bach Flower Remedies Form and Function
Dr. Bach chose 12 basic Soul types. It linked with the twelve astrological Moon signs (not sun signs) Each of these soul groups perform it's own function manifesting in the material world the particular lesson each has learnt. Each group is responsible for the transmutation of it's own life difficulty. Bach wrote, "It is by perfecting these qualities in ourselves that each one of us is raising the vibration of the whole world." Julian Barnard - Bach Flower Remedies Form and Function
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