An original poem about 175 year old apple tree and a the 97 year old woman who protects it.
I personally have read 27 of Alice Hoffman's books - this is a photo of my collection. She wrote her first book at 21 and has just finished writing her latest book at 69.
The ‘Year of the Ox’ Solar Calendar began Feb 4th 2021
We are now 4 months away from the 'Year of the Tiger' that will bring very different energies with the shift - are you ready for the changes that Tiger will bring?
Eleven Hawks circle - Wings wide open - A good omen - On the way -To be an alchemist
"My world has expanded into the far reaches of the open sky – It is my ceiling. My walls have moved backwards into the forests that are home to the still-wild animals that shield them from humans who would find them intrusive and perhaps a nuisance.
My first encounter with TCM ‘Traditional Chinese Medicine’ was in 1983. I was experiencing debilitating Migraines that I had never had before.
“Not the Absence of Fear or despair, but the strength to conquer them”
"Each chakra represents a spiritual life lesson or challenge to help us gain a more in-depth understanding of our personal and spiritual power. This, in turn, helps us learn how to overcome obstacles, let go of emotional blockages, and walk the path towards spiritual consciousness.
"When one’s Spiritual needs are met by an untroubled inner life. Happiness comes when your work and words are of benefit to yourself and others”
‘Our ability to communicate is a precious gift of being human.
An inspired form of giving, love breathes life into the heart and brings grace to the Soul.’
After you read this message take a quiet moment to reflect on the essence of this. Take a deep breath and focus on your Heart Chakra - place your hand there and connect to the present.
'To Bring Peace to the Earth strive to make your own life peaceful.' Realize your personal power by opening the solar plexus chakra.
The sacral chakra is all about creative expression, so it makes sense that tapping into your artistic side and doing something creative would help open up this energy center.
The Root Chakra is associated with the first task we undertake after birth, and that is to determine “Do I belong here?” …on this Earth and in this family system. It is not a conceptual question based on (thinking) cognition. It is instinctual.
Blue Heron asks you to look inside and nurture all aspects of yourself. Embrace your “flaws”, uniqueness, and feelings of shame with self-love. Once you love your whole self and find your inner peace, you’ll be able to bring peace to others, spreading healing throughout the world.
Beech reminds us to seek truth by using our minds to gain knowledge while listening to our hearts for wisdom.
During this important time of 'Birth', when we have the opportunity to bring forth the authentic essence of our selves; a revealing of what is the truest and deepest expression of our heart.
It is time to show a little trust and patience in some life situation. You may have forgotten that you will always receive that which you need, at the time you need it most.
The crow represents change or transformation. But much more than that, it refers more to a spiritual or emotional change. These intelligent birds give us valuable insight into situations around us and help us adapt as needed.
How profound that such large, somewhat ungainly, messy leafed, giants should produce dozens and dozens of these intricate delicate flowers! Worlds definitely exist within worlds - There is so much more that we can ever see in a single day - the magic and beauty is all around us coming to our attention when it's least expected!
The message from the Purple Clover who inspired me in my garden "The gift of generosity is Worth more than Gold"
In Feng Shui practice we place objects in such a way as to ‘allow’ the Chi (or energy) to flow smoothly This concept of “allowing” implies we are welcoming or encouraging the energy to move in a certain pattern or at a particular speed.
What if each time you felt despondent, depressed or discouraged, you knew of time proven, pro-active techniques that were developed to lift your spirits, address your personal issues, give you more energy and allow you to find the courage and motivation to create a life that was more personally rewarding, productive and healthy?
In the practice of Feng Shui, Chi is a Chinese word that has no direct translation in English. It can mean cosmic energy, life force, or breath. Chi is the invisible energy that animates all living things. Chi flows continuously: through pathways (or meridians) in your body, through your home, through the Earth, the atmosphere, and the cosmos.
Imagine a home that becomes a personal sanctuary, a space that holds your sacred objects and allows you the safety and peace of mind and comfort to think, plan, and dream.
The Inspiration of Feng Shui comes from nature, through the placement of intentional color, materials, shapes, and elements. It is a branch of Chinese Medicine, suggesting the quality of our environments contribute greatly to our overall health and well being.
'Manifest your intentions from a place of inspired joy'. If you have been trying to make decisions, figure something out or look for the path forward, step aside from your intellect , your busy mind, and the 'reasons' that might propel you to 'do' or 'not do' something. Instead, place it in your heart center and try and sense the essence of 'joy' that may come of it.
In ancient traditions and in many cultures across the world, stories of the ancestors or 'those who came before' held a importance or a significance we seem to be missing from our life in modern times, especially if these stories involved misdeeds or wrong doings.
'Wolf Spider' - She who carries her children on her back until they mature' - This image led me to think of Mother Earth hosting 'humanity' as well as all the other life forms that dwell on our planet, and how she 'carries' us patiently and lovingly until perhaps we ' mature and evolve'!
Roots, leaves and flowers, this gentle healing plant offers comfort and relief from suffering in every expression. What do you need relief from?
When we work with white light and the concept of unconditional love, what we are really doing is acknowledging the ever constant presence of the sun, which illuminates and gives life to our planet. Without the sun, there is no life.
"Every time you replace a fearful thought with a loving thought - you make the world a better place" - Denise Linn
Life is a series of cycles and spirals that go on into infinity
In tarot The Moon card has traditionally illuminated that which we may have to reflect on before we can move forward. It reminds us of what remains in the deepest parts of our subconscious, which may bring us to the unresolved, the shadow lands.
In each day we may need to be strong in expected and unexpected ways
'The Peace you seek outside yourself must first be sought within'
A collection of inspiring articles on Feng Shui, Tarot, Chinese Astrology, Original Poems by Patti Newton, and other Metaphysical topics
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