Residential - Commercial - New Construction - Renovations
Remote by Phone or In-person at my Office in W Brattleboro, VT
Contact me for on- site consultation availability
(depends on location, season and distance)
Benefits of superimposing the energetic Bagua Map over your measured Floor Plan:
1. Discover architectural 'Missing Pieces' that diminish the Chi and may cause challenges in that life area
2. Understand 'Extensions' and how they will enhance your Chi in the life area of which they are placed
3. Locate 'Divisional Walls' - that divide or separate energy in the life area in which they were built
4. What rooms of your home, business, or office occupy the 9 life areas and how to bring Intention to that area.
If we have worked together previously this is an opportunity to review the changes or adjustments you have made, take your practice to the next level address things we didn't get to in the other sessions. Perhaps you have new questions or concerns, or would like to talk about the results of the previous recommendations - Remember Feng Shui is a result oriented practice - I'd love to support your continued Feng Shui journey!
In Bagua School Feng Shui the 'Energetic Map' is placed over your measured Floor Plan in alignment with the Main Front Entrance of the home, space or building to discover the 9 Essential Life Areas of the Bagua
CAREER - Jobs, how you sustain yourself financially, Life Purpose and Meaningful work
PARTNERSHIP - Relationships, Marriage, Friendship, Relationship with self, Clients, Partners
FAMILY - Ancestral Family, Community, Groups, Co- workers, Society
WEALTH - Abundance, Comfort, Quality of Life
HEALTH - Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual
HELPFUL PEOPLE - Support, Reciprocal Relationships, Care-giving, Life Journey, Guides, Mentors
CHILDREN/CREATIVITY - Motivation, Inspiration, Creative Projects, Children
KNOWLEDGE - Education, Self Awareness, Skills, Talents, Abilities
FAME & REPUTATION - Self Image, Achievements and recognition, Confidence
The energetic Bagua Map will allow you to assess the strengths and challenges of the space you are occupying and how it supports your life goals and Intentions... or not!
You will need to provide:
1. An accurately measured Floor Plan
I have a detailed instruction sheet if this is helpful or you’ve never done this before.
You may have architectural plans that may be used – please make a copy – don’t give me the original!
Benefits of superimposing the energetic Bagua Map over your measured Floor Plan:
1. Discover architectural 'Missing Pieces' that diminish the Chi and may cause challenges in that life area
2. Understand 'Extensions' and how they will enhance your Chi in the life area of which they are placed
3. Locate 'Divisional Walls' - that divide or separate energy in the life area in which they were built
4. What rooms of your home, business, or office occupy the 9 life areas and how to bring Intention to that area.
5. Where are the areas of neglect or 'Clutter'
6. 'Dead' Spaces
7. Tradition and innovative 'Adjustments' (cures) to correct for any architectural or energetic challenges
1 hour - $90 (includes preliminary analysis prior to our session) Best for smaller spaces and Office/studio or an apartment
90 min - $135 (includes preliminary analysis prior to our session) Best for smaller spaces and Office/studio or an apartment
2 hours - $180 (includes preliminary analysis prior to our session) Moderate/ Medium size Floor Plans
2.5 hours - $225 (includes preliminary analysis prior to our session)
2.5 hours is best for larger houses or buildings and more complex Floor Plans
3 hours - $270 (includes preliminary analysis prior to our session)
3 hours is best for larger houses or buildings and more complex Floor Plans
$60 per hour - I use mapquest to configure the driving time/distance.
Please mail the Measured Floor Plan (placed in a new red envelope) to me at least three days prior to our appointment
Payment options:
1. cc/debit card - through the online store (with additional processing fee)
2. Direct through your Pay Pal account
3. Venmo
4. You may pay by check - include it in the New Red Envelope and mail it to:
Patti Newton
1037 Western Ave. Suite #3
West Brattleboro, Vermont 05301
call or e-mail me to schedule an appointment or if you have any questions!
If we have worked together previously
Remember Feng Shui is a result - oriented practice - I'd love to support your continued Feng Shui journey!
If you would like to come to my office and discuss floor plans, renovations, or review previous recommendations on the same building, office or house we have already worked together on, you may choose from the following consultation options:
60 min: $90
90 min: $135
2 hours: $180
2.5 hours: $225
$60 per hour - I use mapquest to configure the driving time/distance.
Payment options:
1. cc/debit card - through the online store (with additional processing fee)
2. Direct through your Pay Pal account
3. Venmo
4. You may pay by check - include it in the New Red Envelope and mail it to:
Patti Newton
1037 Western Ave. Suite #3
West Brattleboro, Vermont 05301
call or e-mail me to schedule an appointment or if you have any questions!
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